Download download Mod 'Gorale v5'

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4 Comments for Gorale v5

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  1. maffo95 23. 06 2017

    great map!! but i have one problem, when i wanted to give my pigs some square straw bales it said it wasn't accepted in the shed? is this a bugg or am i at the wrong place?

  2. Elsker 05. 06 2017

    Beautiful map its a shame its not very helper/courseplay friendly with collisions so close to fields.

  3. Gtg925 25. 03 2017

    is this 4x? if not it should be in the normal map

  4. sum123 23. 03 2017

    Three economies with a targeted type of production
    ? Three villages
    ? Dealer “Agromet Górale”
    ? Two railway routes with the ability to drive the train
    ? A lot of copyright models and solutions
    ? Five purchases including 2 operated by trains
    ? Biogas plant
    ? Greenhouse
    ? Sawmill
    ? All doors and gates opened on the key
    ? Lights turned on
    ? Dynamic texture of the earth
    ? New skins
    ? Night lighting in the map area


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