Download download Mod 'Landini Trekker 105'

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2 Comments for Landini Trekker 105

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  1. grinkor 07. 01 2014

    Please note that the tractor speed is 12 mph not 22 as stated in the shop description. This is intended as this tractor is really slow IRL.

  2. grinkor 08. 01 2014

    Sorry i don't speak german i'll try to answer what i understood from google translate.

    The tractor accelerates fast because it has a relatively low speed for Its HP power and has good grip. I double checked the xml file and the settings seem correct:

    <accelerationSpeed maxAcceleration="1" deceleration="1" brakeSpeed="3" />

    If you think the tractor does not react reallisticaly try to pull a heavy trailer in a big slope, it will eventually start slipping just like any other MR tractor.

    As for the turning i am not sure what you mean. I have no info on the orignal tractor turn ratio so i left the original mod settings.
