Jesus H. Christ, man. When you start, you just do it, and do, and do it,and do some more,and then you need NVIDIA Quadro K6000 and 450 gigabytes of memory to render it
deswegen mal in Deutsch es spielt keine rolle wieviele Poly´s das Modell hat...
Poly´s werden 1x geladen... Texturen dafür mehrfach immer wieder ingame ;)
Merkst du aber auch an der Performance man kann davon Problemlos 20 - 30 Auflieger "Lag" frei auf der Map betreiben auch auf Schwachen Systemen ;) (getestet)
I don't care how many triangles it has .Only visible polygons are rendered anyway,except when game is being loaded(buy 8 of them and "bad allocation"will be there for you), but why spend hours and hours of work on something that no one will ever see.Unless that something you like. Cool trailer by the way,and keep all the wheels.Just have to adjust "steeringAxleScale" and "dynamicMountTrigger" so things are not hanging in the air
1 Comments for Goldhofer 6 axle ballast
Jesus H. Christ, man. When you start, you just do it, and do, and do it,and do some more,and then you need NVIDIA Quadro K6000 and 450 gigabytes of memory to render it