Download download Mod 'Mix Feeder Beispielmap'

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10 Comments for Mix Feeder Beispielmap

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  1. alf2017 16. 03 2016

    ! question. Where do you sell the beef and pigs?

    1 replies

  2. B.R.M.KANE 18. 11 2015

    I have the mix feeder mod. I am having an issue with it. I have an error message telling me to open the pad ro fix the issue. The mix feeder is not at its home station, and I can't open the pad. How do I repair this?

  3. Hi hab mal ne Frage haben die Hallen an der Kuhweide ne Kollision weil ich wollte den Baleextension nutzen und brauch ne halle für die ballen damit die nicht nass werden

  4. MyNameIsPeter 04. 10 2015

    Guten Abend zusammen
    habe vorhin versucht den Mixfeeder auf der two Rivers einzuabuen , er funktioniert auch nur bekomme ich diese Particel Errors.

    C:/Users/Moritz/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//TwoRivers_LS15_V1_3/map/TwoRivers.i3d (18791.81 ms)
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/Moritz/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//TwoRivers_LS15_V1_3/map/MixFeeder/particleSystems/dischargeParticleMixFeeder.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/Moritz/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//TwoRivers_LS15_V1_3/map/MixFeeder/particleSystems/silageParticleSystem.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/Moritz/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//TwoRivers_LS15_V1_3/map/MixFeeder/particleSystems/strawParticleSystem.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/Moritz/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//TwoRivers_LS15_V1_3/map/MixFeeder/particleSystems/grassParticleSystem.i3d

    Über Hilfe würde ich mich Freuen

    MFG Peter

    1 replies

  5. gordieboy 04. 10 2015

    hi blue baby I am new farming simulator I like the look of your auto mixer and feeder this will need g/e to install as I don't know how g/e works can you and your modder friends make this as a place able object so as can be placed straight to my mod folder I am to old to try and learn about computers I would be most grateful if you could do this
    it will be one of the greatest mod I have seen
    many thanks gordieboy

    1 replies

  6. P-P 26. 09 2015

    Guten Abend!

    Ich habe ein QWERTY-Tastatur.
    Was ist denn bei mich Strg?



    1 replies

  7. Psiclone 26. 09 2015

    Fantastic idea. Well done!! I would love to put this in my WIP map (Manx Farm, Blur modding - FB). The most innovative mod I have seen in a long long time. 5 stars!

  8. Barisch 26. 09 2015

    also ich kann nur sagen echt Hammer grosses Lopo an die Erbauer des Mods aleine der einbau in andere maps ist so einfach wow

  9. Barisch 26. 09 2015

    Also echt hammer habe das Teil schon auf zwei anderen maps verbaut und leuft echt super

  10. Random Hero 26. 09 2015

    Fantastic job, very well done. But is there a tutorial on how to add it to your own map?
