Download download Mod 'Goldcrest Valley Multifruit By °PriNcO°'

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1 Comments for Goldcrest Valley Multifruit By °PriNcO°

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  1. lekuwei 31. 05 2018

    Hallo, erstmal schöne Umbauten die du da gemacht hast aber keinerlei Produktionsstätten eingebaut....also nur Standart. Und hier meine Log. Warning: Positive direction key 'LIGHTSWITCH_CLICK' not defined!
    Warning: Positive direction key 'LIGHTSWITCH_CLICK' not defined!
    Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with duplicate saveId AnimatedObject_lightinside
    Warning: Positive direction key 'LIGHTSWITCH_CLICK' not defined!
    Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with duplicate saveId AnimatedObject_lightinside
    FabrikScript v2.0.1: FabrikScript.onCreate(52658) load compostMaster2k17
    Warning: Positive direction key 'GATE_MOVE' not defined!
    Warning: Positive direction key 'GATE_MOVE' not defined!

    Aus der Karte kannst mehr machen. MfG.
