Here is an idea for future updates ... regarding "pallets".
I think it would be really great if the factory could hold 3-4 finished pallets so that you can keep production running without coming to a halt when ever the one/first pallet is full.
Müsli factory ...
If the honey tank was moved to where the pallet spawns now ... the platform, where the honey is now, could hold multiple pallets instead (spawning one by one as they are finished).
And for the met factory there is already room for more pallets next to the present one.
The "warning/promt" could be set to, when the platform is 75% of its capacity.
This way you don´t have to stop what ever your doing on your farm to go and load just one pallet at a time ... :)
I must say I am enjoying this mod very much!
Just sold my first trailer with a mix of met and müsli ... :)
I have found that I am not getting any "prompt" from the met production when the pallet is full.
Also ... something that I have on my "wish list" for this mod.
An auto collect trigger that can be placed manually next to the different buildings that collects 2-4 pallets for me to pick up with a front loader (I don´t mind loading manually) ... but having to empty the pallets one by one as soon as they are full (to avoid that the production comes to a halt) can be a bit stressful when you are trying to run a farm and doing forestry at the same time as this ... ;)
The auto-collect trigger isn´t possible for placeable objects... if you want a auto-collector you have to place it with the Giants-Editor, but thats a little bit tricky and only for advanced users...
Ich weiß nicht, ob man von ROS die Gittertransportbox für so etwas umbauen kann/darf.
Diese Gitterboxen stelle ich immer unter einen Obstbaum, wo das Obst dann automatisch in die Gitterbox fällt bis sie voll ist. 1500 Liter Inhalt.
An den Gemüsehäusern mache ich das auch so. Auch bei der Weinproduktion.
Was für Einträge man dafür braucht und was für eine Plane, oder Darstellung die Box füllt , weiß ich leider nicht.
Aber es wäre eine Tolle Erweiterung für die Imkerei und deren Produkte. Man würde sich viel Arbeitszeit sparen.
ROS seine Produktionsgebäude sind auch platzierbar und die Gitterboxen kann man an jede Hydraulik hängen, oder mit einem automatisch beladbaren Trailer aufnehmen.
yes it is possible to unload the extra chips from the lumber mill at the bee hive manufactor... but you need to do this with a tipper. a shovel dosen´t work.
3 Comments for Beekeeping pack placeable
Here is an idea for future updates ... regarding "pallets".
I think it would be really great if the factory could hold 3-4 finished pallets so that you can keep production running without coming to a halt when ever the one/first pallet is full.
Müsli factory ...
If the honey tank was moved to where the pallet spawns now ... the platform, where the honey is now, could hold multiple pallets instead (spawning one by one as they are finished).
And for the met factory there is already room for more pallets next to the present one.
The "warning/promt" could be set to, when the platform is 75% of its capacity.
This way you don´t have to stop what ever your doing on your farm to go and load just one pallet at a time ... :)
I must say I am enjoying this mod very much!
Just sold my first trailer with a mix of met and müsli ... :)
I have found that I am not getting any "prompt" from the met production when the pallet is full.
Also ... something that I have on my "wish list" for this mod.
An auto collect trigger that can be placed manually next to the different buildings that collects 2-4 pallets for me to pick up with a front loader (I don´t mind loading manually) ... but having to empty the pallets one by one as soon as they are full (to avoid that the production comes to a halt) can be a bit stressful when you are trying to run a farm and doing forestry at the same time as this ... ;)
But thanks for a great mod ... 5 stars from me!
Super mod ... THANK YOU!
If I understand this correct the "bee hive manufacturer" also accepts wood chips (one can use the extra chips from the lumber mill here)!?