Thanks for using my Script (FlieglDPW180.lua) without asking me! I took now your Truck, rebuilt it, and upload it without asking. Then we will see if you like that! And you took an very old Version of my Script.
Hello ifkonator, we are sorry for your use lua without authorization.
We can remove the mod if you do not like. Next time we will be more careful before doing anything.
Sorry, again.
2 Comments for Renault Premium
Thanks for using my Script (FlieglDPW180.lua) without asking me! I took now your Truck, rebuilt it, and upload it without asking. Then we will see if you like that! And you took an very old Version of my Script.
Hello ifkonator, we are sorry for your use lua without authorization.
We can remove the mod if you do not like. Next time we will be more careful before doing anything.
Sorry, again.
hello it's possible for the automatic charge as the pix?
cordialy. legaumais.