I took a look at the MultiFarm.LUA script (v1.0.1), and spotted a potential problem in the update() function. - Why does it continuously over-write the MissionPDA.draw function in such a way as it does? Maybe that part should only be executed one time only, instead of doing it at each-and-every call to MultiFarm:update()?
Decker you're right, but I dont need this function in the next version. That what I need can I can get with a simple variable check. But thanks for the hint, that brought me to the simple variable query.
1 Comments for Multifarm Mod
I took a look at the MultiFarm.LUA script (v1.0.1), and spotted a potential problem in the update() function. - Why does it continuously over-write the MissionPDA.draw function in such a way as it does? Maybe that part should only be executed one time only, instead of doing it at each-and-every call to MultiFarm:update()?