But plz, make a modular/standalone version to Kelsa bars without Scania or any else. Keep it modular.
I use Mega Store by Kyto, Scania Textured by ComandoreOne and Scania by InsaneJerico in my profiles and I can’t “undo” update all Scania that be in my garages only to use your mod.
your mod is preeety cool. you did a awesome job but how keep almost all happy? keeping modular and friendly with only bars.
maybe, after is more simple do bars to others trucks. I hope you do if I can use with my previous mods.
2 Comments for Scania Kelsa Gard
Is der Mod auch für nen Scania T Liner geeignet??
Thx for your mod.
But plz, make a modular/standalone version to Kelsa bars without Scania or any else. Keep it modular.
I use Mega Store by Kyto, Scania Textured by ComandoreOne and Scania by InsaneJerico in my profiles and I can’t “undo” update all Scania that be in my garages only to use your mod.
your mod is preeety cool. you did a awesome job but how keep almost all happy? keeping modular and friendly with only bars.
maybe, after is more simple do bars to others trucks. I hope you do if I can use with my previous mods.
redo if need