Complexity - Complexity
Mods for Tabletop Playground
Low Complexity
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over 4 years
Junk Yard Go Karts
Low Complexity
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about 3 years
Mansions of Madness 1st
Low Complexity
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almost 5 years
Milles Bornes
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almost 4 years
???? Exploding Kittens ????
Low Complexity
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about 5 years
Escape the Dark Castle
Low Complexity
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almost 5 years
???? Exploding Kittens ????
v 1.00 Downloads today758 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Wed, 15 Jan 2020 12:03:02 GMT in - Low ComplexityExploding Kittens is a kitty-powered version of Russian Roulette. Players take turns drawing cards until someone draws an exploding kitten and loses the game. The deck is made up of cards that let you...
v 1.00 Downloads today233 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sat, 11 Jan 2020 22:25:46 GMT in - Medium ComplexityManoeuvre is a fast-playing game of battlefield command, set in the early 19th century. Multiple geomorphic game maps provide the chessboard-sized battlefields over which eight different armies of the...
v 1.10 Downloads today1,015 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 03 Jan 2020 23:27:20 GMT in - Low ComplexityThe game's rules are very simple and easy to learn, they can be found on the game's official instruction sheet. The mod features 2 card decks: a full deck of 108 cards for the authentic experience and...
Stay Away! / Нечто из глубин [RUS]
v 1.00 Downloads today211 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 17 Dec 2019 15:08:58 GMT in - Low ComplexityГруппа археологов таинственно исчезла во время экспедиции на остров Р’...
Alias [RUS]
v 1.00 Downloads today195 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 17 Dec 2019 11:27:04 GMT in - Low ComplexityAlias - это игра в слова, в которую вы играете в командах. Правила Автор игры: Mikko Koivusalo
Alias [ENG]
v 1.00 Downloads today215 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 17 Dec 2019 11:24:00 GMT in - Low ComplexityAlias is a word game that you play in teams.You have 70 cards each with 8 words, and you have to explain the words to your teammate by using synonyms, opposites or other clues. You have to guess as...
Coup / Переворот [RUS]
v 1.00 Downloads today201 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 17 Dec 2019 11:01:05 GMT in - Low ComplexityИгра для 3-6 игроковВы живете в пронизанном коррупцией городе. Цель –...
v 1.20 Downloads today199 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 15 Dec 2019 21:18:54 GMT in - Low ComplexityClever little game about kids playing some football--er, soccer.
v 1.10 Downloads today532 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 13 Dec 2019 06:52:49 GMT in - Medium Complexity
Secret Hitler
v 1.10 Downloads today787 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 10 Dec 2019 01:38:47 GMT in - Low ComplexitySecret Hitler is a dramatic game of political intrigue and betrayal set in 1930s Germany. Each player is randomly and secretly assigned to be a liberal or a fascist, and one player is Secret Hitler...
v 1.00 Downloads today945 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 24 Nov 2019 23:53:30 GMT in - Low ComplexityGet the puck into your opponent's goal!Set your hold height to zero in the player options (or use Ctrl + Mouse Wheel).
Open Tactics (Trailer Showcase)
v 1.00 Downloads today320 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 24 Nov 2019 23:43:31 GMT in - Medium ComplexityOpen Tactics is a 3D-print-and-play game by Ill Gotten Games. This package contains all miniatures and cards for the game, and the showcase scenario used in the Tabletop Playground trailer.You can find...
Three Plains (Trailer Showcase)
v 1.00 Downloads today297 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 24 Nov 2019 23:41:20 GMT in - High ComplexityThis package contains the figures used in the trailer showcase of Three Plains, a print-and-play wargame created by David Scholes.