Userprofile of snacke1998
Member since 2 / 2014
About snacke1998
Deadpool Skin
v 1.00 Downloads today319 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 10 Apr 2016 16:23:57 GMT in - SkinsInfo Das ist der Deadpool Skin für den Volvo FH16 2012. Dieses Skin wurde von Snacke1998 für ETS2-Skins (Facebook Seite) erstellt. ____________________________________________________ Wenn ihr...
v all0 Downloads today673 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 04 Mar 2015 13:23:50 GMT in - SkinsInfo Das ist das ADAC Skin für den MAN TGX. Dieses Skin wurde von Snacke1998 für ETS2-Skins (Facebook Seite) erstellt. ____________________________________________________ Wenn ihr wünsche habt...
Monster Energy FH16 Skin
v 1.0 by ETS2-Skins0 Downloads today1,103 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 13 Jan 2015 19:22:07 GMT in - SkinsInfo Das ist das Monster Energy Skin für den Volvo FH16. Dieses Skin wurde von Snacke1998 für ETS2-Skins (Facebook Seite) erstellt. ____________________________________________________ Wenn ihr...
Monster Energy Mercedes skin
v 1.0 by ETS2-Skins0 Downloads today694 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Tue, 13 Jan 2015 17:03:08 GMT in - SkinsInfo Das ist das Monster Energy Skin für den DAF XF (alt). Dieses Skin wurde von Snacke1998 für ETS2-Skins (Facebook Seite) erstellt. ____________________________________________________ Wenn...
Monster Energy
v 1.00 Downloads today890 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 12 Jan 2015 15:46:08 GMT in - Skinsinfo This is the Monster Energy skin for the DAF XF (old). This skin was created by Snacke1998 for ETS2 skins (Facebook page). ____________________________________________________ If you wish you then...
Monster Energy
v 1.00 Downloads today703 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 12 Jan 2015 15:44:59 GMT in - Skinsinfo This is the Monster Energy skin for the DAF XF (old). This skin was created by Snacke1998 for ETS2 skins (Facebook page). ____________________________________________________ If you wish you then...
Monster Energy
v 1.00 Downloads today562 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 12 Jan 2015 15:03:50 GMT in - SkinsThis is the Monster Energy skin for the DAF EUR 6 (new). This skin was created by Snacke1998 for ETS2 skins (Facebook page). ____________________________________________________ If you wish you then...
DAF EURO 6 PEMA Black Edition
v 2.00 Downloads today380 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 19 Nov 2014 20:56:50 GMT in - SkinsThis is the PEMA Black Edition Skin for the DAF Euro 6 (new). This skin was created by Snacke1998 for ETS2 Skins (Facebook page). If you want her then get in touch easily. Modhoster: snacke1998...
v 1.10 Downloads today630 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 19 Nov 2014 20:56:22 GMT in - SkinsThis is the PEMA skin for the DAF EUR 6 (new). This skin was created by Snacke1998 for ETS2 skins (Facebook page). If you wish you then simply get in touch. Modhoster: snacke1998, black light New...
v 1.20 Downloads today523 Downloads total6 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 19 Nov 2014 20:20:00 GMT in - SkinsThis is the PEMA Black Edition Skin for the DAF EUR 6 (new). This skin was created by Snacke1998 for ETS2 skins (Facebook page). If you wish you then simply get in touch. Modhoster: snacke1998, black...
DAF Euro 6 fire
v 1.10 Downloads today436 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Sat, 15 Nov 2014 21:27:04 GMT in - SkinsThis is the fire skin for the DAF Euro 6 (new). This skin was created by Snacke1998 for ETS2 Skins (Facebook page). If you want her then get in touch easily. Modhoster: snacke1998, black light New...
Heavy Transport
v 1.10 Downloads today797 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 26 Oct 2014 18:36:31 GMT in - SkinsThis is the main transport (red / white) skin for the Volvo FH16 2012 (new). This skin was created by Snacke1998 for ETS2 Skins (Facebook page). If you want her then get in touch easily. Modhoster...
Heavy transport YELLOW BLACK
v 1.10 Downloads today902 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 26 Oct 2014 07:37:32 GMT in - SkinsThis is the skin for the heavy haulage Volvo FH16 2012 (new). This skin was created by Snacke1998 for ETS2 Skins (Facebook page). If you want her then get in touch easily. Modhoster: snacke1998...
v alle0 Downloads today415 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 31 Aug 2014 18:11:45 GMT in - SkinsThis is the SKD Skin for the DAF XF. This skin was created by Snacke1998 for ETS2 Skins (Facebook page). If you want her then get in touch easy. Modhoster: snacke1998, black light New e-mail...
WM Skin
v überall0 Downloads today1,199 Downloads total13 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Wed, 18 Jun 2014 10:59:04 GMT in - SkinsThis is the World Cup Germany skin for the Volvo FH, 2012. This skin was created by Snacke1998 for ETS2 Skins (Facebook page). Please note we have summer break. WE ARE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE THAT...
Arrow Transportation Dachser
v 1.9.220 Downloads today348 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Fri, 16 May 2014 20:34:19 GMT in - SkinsThis is the Arrow Transportation / Dachser skin for the Iveco Hi Way NOT FOR STRALIS. Bittte PICTURES NOTE This skin was created by Snacke1998 for ETS2 Skins (Facebook page). WE ARE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE...
v 1.0 1.9.220 Downloads today331 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 13 May 2014 18:45:56 GMT in - SkinsThis is the Eminem skin for the Volvo FH16 (old). This skin was created by Snacke1998 for ETS2 Skins (Facebook page). WE ARE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE THAT CAN SIMPLY skinning VIA FACEBOOK, Modhoster OR...
FMJ transport
v 1.9.220 Downloads today258 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Sun, 11 May 2014 11:39:06 GMT in - SkinsDas ist das FMJ Transport Skin für den Volvo FH16 (alt). Dieses Skin wurde von Snacke1998 für ETS2-Skins (Facebook Seite) erstellt. WIR SUCHEN LEUTE DIE SKINNEN KÖNNEN EINFACH VIA: FACEBOOK, MODHOSTER...
World of Tanks
v 1.9.220 Downloads today324 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 11 May 2014 07:43:12 GMT in - SkinsDas ist das World of Tanks Skin für den Volvo FH16 (neu). Dieses Skin wurde von Snacke1998 für ETS2-Skins (Facebook Seite) erstellt. WIR SUCHEN LEUTE DIE SKINNEN KÖNNEN EINFACH VIA: FACEBOOK, MODHOSTER...
Deichmann skin with Trailer
v 1.0 1.9.220 Downloads today405 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 09 May 2014 18:10:39 GMT in - SkinsThis is the Deichmann Skin Pack for Mercedes Actros (MP3). This skin was created by Snacke1998 for ETS2 Skins (Facebook page). WE ARE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE THAT CAN SIMPLY skinning VIA FACEBOOK, Modhoster...
Deadpool SkinShare
ago almost 9 years
danke für dein tip werde ich nächstes mal berücksichtigen
Mod: DAF EURO 6 PEMA Black Edition
kp ich mach bloß die skins
Mod: WM Skin
Das mit den Farben soll so sein.
MfG Sven
Mod: Arrow Transportation Dachser
eher unwahrscheinlich haben noch zu tun
MfG Sven
Mod: Nabers
entschuldigung leute ich hatte bloß ein bild zur verfügung
Mod: WoT Volvo Fh2012
sieht nicht schlecht aus
Mod: Iveco Stralis
Top werter Kollege vielen dank das du mir diesen Skin abgenommen hast
MfG snacke1998 (ETS2-Skins)
Mod: MAN Tgx Trailer World Cup 2014
kein problem einer muss sich ja bedanken :D
Mod: Car Obermann
war mein fehler hab gedacht den haben wir noch nicht
Mod: MAN Tgx Trailer World Cup 2014
Gute Arbeit hast du da abgeliefert:D
Mod: Deichmann
kein problem hab ich gerne gemacht
Mod: Iron Maiden
natülich für den volvo fh 16 new
Mod: Iron Maiden
sorry leute war woll ein bisschen durcheinander
Mod: Heavy transport DAF XF
Dieses Skin muss man in der Lackiererei kaufen
Mod: MAN EfficientLine
Vielen Dank
Mfg ETS2-Skins
Mod: Mercedes fire
danke für deinn hinweis
habe es sofort geändert
Mod: Mercedes fire
Mod: EC of Kassel Huskies
kann ich nichts zu sagen war ein wunsch
Mod: Hütt MAN TGX
Vielen dank die idee mit hütt kamm nicht von mir Aber das design ist von mir
Mod: DAF police
Geht leider nicht da ich nicht weiß wie
Mod: DHL Volvo FH16 2012
Vielen dank
Ich wünsche dir Viel Spaß damit