Userprofile of McKnight_Gaming
Member since 12 / 2018
About McKnight_Gaming
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featured Placeable Buying Stations
v Downloads today33,008 Downloads total17 commentsUser rating42 said thankspublished Sat, 17 Aug 2019 08:57:22 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsMod is now on Giants ModHub!Support for this mod now only on the Giants ModHub Mod uses the standard small farm silos. Update Placeable Buying Stations V2.0.5.0 Contains buying silos...
Ravenport McKnightG Edition
v Downloads today7,969 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating7 said thankspublished Fri, 26 Jul 2019 12:48:56 GMT in - Default Map editRavenport Map Edited. V2.0.2.0 Redone from scratch to fix the water and dust shader. Most of everything is the same other than the farm area which I have redone. The following...
Bale Spike
v Downloads today1,385 Downloads totalUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 17 Apr 2019 19:16:17 GMT in - bale transportDMI MetalWorkX Bale SpikeOptions Include:5th wheel hitch (allways attached)Standard hitch (store option)Change Log V1.0.1.0Brighter default colorsFrame clolor changeable
Warrior Semi Truck
v Downloads today2,015 Downloads totalUser rating4 said thankspublished Wed, 30 Jan 2019 12:01:25 GMT in - TrucksWarrior Truck Features: Dynamic hoses (not perfect) Beacon lights Extra front signal lights Mack truck sounds from eXpendables Mack truck Added 3 engine types from in game...
Seeders Pack
v Downloads today1,355 Downloads totalUser rating2 said thankspublished Tue, 29 Jan 2019 14:27:11 GMT in - SeedersSeeder Pack Default Colors: Default actions Orange Color: Potato planters Black color: Planters
Farm Silo XLarge
v Downloads today1,114 Downloads totalUser rating1 said thankspublished Wed, 23 Jan 2019 19:05:26 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsSilos come from the Estancia Lapacho map.I will also be releasing this mod in a buyable silo version.Fill Tpyes:WheatBarleyCanolaMaizeOatSunflowerSoybeanCapacity:250000l Per fill typeCost:480000Daily...
featured Purchasable Egg Pallet
v Downloads today28,999 Downloads totalUser rating72 said thankspublished Fri, 11 Jan 2019 04:56:34 GMT in - ObjectsThe Version on Giants-Modhub is stolen Fillable egg pallet. View this mod as a "trailer" and it's fill type egg. Simply get the egg boxes close and it fills the egg pallet. Now has animation. Cost...
Seed Runner 3755 XL
v Downloads today3,347 Downloads totalUser rating6 said thankspublished Sat, 05 Jan 2019 17:51:44 GMT in - OverloaderSeed Runner 3755 XL Color changeable. Increased capacity to 6000 for both slots. Only takes seeds, lime and fertilizer. Change Log V1.0.1.0 Only takes seeds, lime and fertilizer.
Placeable Tank Station
v Downloads today1,160 Downloads totalUser rating2 said thankspublished Wed, 19 Dec 2018 16:30:06 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsYOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO UPLOAD THIS MOD ON ANY OTHER SITE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! Placeable Tank Stations Fill Types: LIQUIDFERTILIZER HERBICIDE DIGESTATE LIQUIDMANURE Price: $15,000 Daily...
Placeable Tank Station
ago about 6 years
Placeable Tank Station
ago about 6 years
Placeable Tank Station
ago about 6 years
Placeable Tank Station
ago about 6 years
Placeable Tank Station
ago about 6 years
Mod: Lizard 1600
My mod shouldn't be uploaded here...
Mod: Ravenport McKnightG Edition
I have reports of some floating objects in V1.0.8.0 I will get that fixed ASAP
Mod: Purchasable Egg Pallet
I'm looking into it. I don't have an MP server so its hard for me to test and figure out whats causing the problem.
Mod: Purchasable Egg Pallet
I have been told about the problem. From what I'm told it only happens in MP but I'm looking into that.
Mod: Purchasable Egg Pallet
That is because of the trigger type. The pallet is basically a trailer will a fill trigger set for eggs only.
Mod: Placeable Buying Stations
I will add that on next update.
Mod: Placeable Buying Stations
There is a glitch with the TempoL16 planter. That has nothing to do with the mod it's on Giants Software side. There is a mod somewhere for that planter with a fix.
Mod: Purchasable Egg Pallet
Download here until website updates. Link also in description.
Mod: Purchasable Egg Pallet
Its found under objects/pallets
Mod: Placeable Tank Station
Thanks I'll look into it.
Mod: Placeable Buying Stations
Nein, es ist nur ein Kaufpunkt.
No. It is a buying point only.