Userprofile of FS Modding By Jasper
Member since 4 / 2015
About FS Modding By Jasper
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featured International 1255/1455 V2
v 2.00 Downloads today30,369 Downloads total15 commentsUser rating66 said thankspublished Sun, 20 Nov 2016 20:42:32 GMT in - CaseNew version of our 1455
featured International 1455xl
v 1.2 Fixed attacher and textures.0 Downloads today18,683 Downloads total37 commentsUser rating53 said thankspublished Mon, 31 Oct 2016 21:03:11 GMT in - CaseThe 1455 is an iconic tractor from International and later Case IH, so when whe saw that Farming Simulator featured a Case IH 1455 we made up the plan to make an original International Harvester...
Fencing pack
v 1.00 Downloads today2,755 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating14 said thankspublished Mon, 24 Oct 2016 12:01:56 GMT in - ObjectsFencing wich you can place in your map.
Rims pack By Jasper
v 1.00 Downloads today1,042 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Sat, 23 Jan 2016 18:03:35 GMT in - Tractor TuningEen kleine pack met een aantal velgen! Veel plezier! Gebruik originele link en correcte credits, dus wees niet een teef! Model: Jasper Structuren: Jasper Veel plezier! Greets
New Holland T7.170 Pack
v 1.00 Downloads today2,631 Downloads total10 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Sun, 27 Dec 2015 15:45:23 GMT in - New HollandThe moment is there! FS Modding By Jasper's New Holland T7.170 is here! Don't be a bitch any way! Keep orginal link, dont upload edits and stuff, please be respect full. There is much work in it...
Weight pack X Mas Gift
v 1.0 Final0 Downloads today2,214 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Fri, 25 Dec 2015 15:00:14 GMT in - weightsWe made a chrismas gift for you! Please be respect full and have fun! Download:
New Holland T7030
v 1.0 Final0 Downloads today4,013 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 24 Dec 2015 15:34:24 GMT in - New HollandNew Holland T7030. Keep orginal link please! Picked the T7.270 out of the pack that was released a time ago and made a T7030 of that one!
Case Edit
v 1.0 Final0 Downloads today2,273 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 24 Dec 2015 15:33:39 GMT in - CaseAn edit of a case! Keep orginal link! Credits to orginal maker! Edit by Jasper.
Jasper Weight
v 1.0 Final0 Downloads today1,260 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Thu, 24 Dec 2015 12:11:32 GMT in - weightsMade this mod by my self. Dont be a bitch and keep the right credits and the original link! Have fun! Model: Jasper Textures: Jasper Ingame: Jasper
Cat 924G
v 1.0 Final0 Downloads today10,860 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating14 said thankspublished Thu, 24 Dec 2015 12:10:00 GMT in - ExevatorsDit is een bewerking van het New Holland wiellader! Veel plezier, en houd originele link please! Use this link: Do not use the direct...
Jasper Weight
v 1.0 Final0 Downloads today1,528 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 20 Dec 2015 18:44:41 GMT in - weightsYesterday i wasn't ready to release the weights, so i will do it know ;) Have fun! Be respectfull please :) Model: Jasper Texture: Jasper Ingame: Jasper
Cast Iron Weight
ago over 9 years
Strautmann hydrofox
ago over 9 years
Strautmann hydrofox
ago over 9 years
Strautmann hydrofox
ago over 9 years
Strautmann hydrofox
ago over 9 years
New Holland T7.170 PackShare
ago about 9 years
Mod: International 1455xl
We already have a 633 ;)
Take a look:
Mod: International 1455xl
I think thats your internet connection, try the 1.2 version ;)
Mod: International 1455xl
Auspuffklappe: Thats much work to do for just a auspuffklappe... Because fs17 works completely with ikchains ;).
Dreck: Is fully working so i dont know what you mean?
Warum breitreifen: Why not? If you dont like it change it by your self.
So about the types... 955 is a complete different tractor the same for the 1055. And our mod is a 1455, if you want a 1255 you should make that by your self mate ;)
Mod: International 1455xl
You can wait for the v 1.2 now. Just uploaded that one. Fixed attacher for trailer and texture fix.
Greets Jasper
Mod: International 1455xl
Please download the v1.1
Mod: International 1455xl
Please download the v1.1 i fixes the dirt ;)
Mod: International 1455xl
First need to wait for an admin, hope that they already awake at modhoster :P
Mod: International 1455xl
Sorry guys... There was a problem with the materials... Should be fixed now. Download version 1.1 and have fun ;)
Mod: NewHolland T7170
You didnt ask permission! Didnt used the correct credits! *****!
Mod: New Holland NH-Pack
He didnt do anything! I and a friend converted it and he didnt use the correct credits... *****
Mod: New Holland NH-Pack
Sorry mate, the most of the respectful people here on modhoster are gone. Also the modders are gone, because of these kids.
Mod: New Holland T7.170 Pack
Yes you can! Back, roof and door window can be opened with IC. The door also can be opened with player trigger. If you enter the tractor the door closes!
Mod: Cast Iron Weight
freundlich grüßen
Twan and Jasper