Userprofile of Dajoor
Member since 12 / 2015

1 Ruder(bis: 09.12 2018)
Punkte: 815
Modder Level 9
Rank: #2586
First name: no entry Age & Gender: no entry City: no entry Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About Dajoor

I am not making public mods anymore. Also no more public updates of my mods.
  1. Dajoor 02. 01 2019

    Mod: JCB 435 S
    Mod Thief. You can change the name, and claim as your own, but that is as far as your skill goes. Anyone with 2 brain cells can open that up and see for themselves you stole it.

  2. Dajoor 28. 12 2018

    Mod: Lemken Gigant 12S plow and cultivator pack MulitiColor
    V125 with a wheel edit - they are not original. I do not post my mods here, because they get uploaded to other scum sites and stolen/renamed/uploaded to pay sites.

    1 replies

  3. Dajoor 28. 12 2018

    Mod: Krampe BanditXM
    This guy is a mod thief. This mod is stolen from me. He extracted it from a pack containing a matching tractor.

  4. Dajoor 19. 12 2018

    Mod: JCb 435 SiloBoss
    Das ist Ihre Meinung. Hier meine. Deinstallieren Sie das Spiel und gehen Sie nach draußen spielen.

  5. Dajoor 19. 12 2018

    Mod: Deutz Bull
    Alles, was ich zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt sage, wird sinnlos sein.

    1 replies

  6. Dajoor 18. 12 2018

    Mod: Deutz Bull
    Then I can not help you.

  7. Dajoor 18. 12 2018

    Mod: Deutz Bull
    I can not see your console.

    1 replies

  8. Dajoor 18. 12 2018

    Mod: JCb 435 SiloBoss
    99.9% wants the metallic paint.

  9. Dajoor 18. 12 2018

    Mod: Warrior MaX
    Comment by Tinman: I actually like this mod. Once I replaced the wheels and tires,... and removed the awful paint jobs.

  10. Dajoor 18. 12 2018

    Mod: Deutz Bull
    What 3 errors? Post them here.

    1 replies

  11. Dajoor 18. 12 2018

    Mod: JCb 435 SiloBoss
    The standard JCB is made for 3000kg on the bucket - standard game bucket is 3000 liter. The SiloBoss weight is already increased by 2000kg, andbalanced 70% rear. I made it to handle max 9000kg bucket (3x standard). Besides this mod is voted down by people, so I will not make further updates. I do not waste my time doing free work for something people do not like.

  12. Dajoor 17. 12 2018

    Mod: Deutz Fahr Series 9 Muilticolor
    I can tell you how. PM me.

  13. Dajoor 17. 12 2018

    Mod: Deutz Bull
    It is not intentional. I made back crawlers, then put some of front also. I do not copy other people's work.

  14. Dajoor 17. 12 2018

    Mod: Deutz Bull
    V 121 works. V124 broken. V125 works.

  15. Dajoor 16. 12 2018

    Mod: Deutz Bull
    Please wait for 1.2.5 (uploaded waiting for modhoster to publish). I made a mistake and linked the wrong node, the front attacher does not work in 1.2.4.

    1 replies

  16. Dajoor 16. 12 2018

    Mod: Deutz Bull
    Okay. Den Unterzuschwung stimmen. Ich werde Traktormods nicht wieder veröffentlichen.

  17. Dajoor 15. 12 2018

    Mod: JCb 435 SiloBoss
    The vehicle function description is not in your language translation file. It is a line of code to attempt compatibility with vehicle scripts like Courseplay, MR, GPS. It might not be necessary, I will remove in a future revision.

  18. Dajoor 14. 12 2018

    Mod: Case module Express XM
    Mod Requires patch 1.2

    1 replies

  19. Dajoor 14. 12 2018

    Mod: Case module Express XM
    I can not publish mods of other people's mods/models. You must ask the original author of the mod. I can only publish edits of standard game models, and my original models on this site.

  20. Dajoor 13. 12 2018

    Mod: JCb 435 SiloBoss
    Requires official FS 19 game and patch 1.2

  21. Dajoor 12. 12 2018

    Mod: JCb 435 SiloBoss
    V1.2.2 uploaded. Increased compacting speed. If you can not see the difference you are not on patch 1.2

  22. Dajoor 12. 12 2018

    Mod: JCb 435 SiloBoss
    Everything is tested before publishing. Check screenshots.I mod the things I use.

    1 replies

  23. Dajoor 12. 12 2018

    Mod: Fliegl ASS298XM
    It has chrome rims. Remember they do not look like chrome in the preview, they look darker because of the reflection of the black preview scene. Custom rims is too much work for a trailer.

  24. Dajoor 12. 12 2018

    Mod: JCb 435 SiloBoss
    I said I will not bother publishing any more loader or silo mods. I still publish other things.

  25. Dajoor 12. 12 2018

    Mod: JCb 435 SiloBoss
    Yes, that is the primary reason I made it. The colors and wheels are just addon fluff.

  26. Dajoor 12. 12 2018

    Mod: JCb 435 SiloBoss
    I will not do that yet. But yes, people think making high quality error free mods is simple and quick. Fortunately for them I make the mods mostly for myself, the stuff I want to play with, and I share it with them.So I will not share any other loaders/silo/silage machinery again.

  27. Dajoor 11. 12 2018

    Mod: JCb 435 SiloBoss
    I see this mod is downvoted 1 star and none thanks. So no, I won't do similar stuff again.

    1 replies

  28. Dajoor 11. 12 2018

    Mod: Warrior MaX
    You welcome. The vehicles make the game - so they need to be great.

  29. Dajoor 11. 12 2018

    Mod: Warrior MaX
    Unfortunately 99% of people want the metallic paint. Try my Hulk (check the mods under my name). I fixed the axles and suspension.

    1 replies

  30. Dajoor 11. 12 2018

    Mod: Warrior MaX
    I am working on a set of trailers. Give me a few days.

    1 replies

  31. Dajoor 11. 12 2018

    Mod: Hulk
    Many Thanks. I build the trucks and tractors to be able to pull up to 300t at 10deg (250k liter potatoes). When the front wheels lift from the ground then you have overloaded it. The sound, yes. I don't like it when vehicles sound like gay hairdryers.

  32. Dajoor 10. 12 2018

    Mod: Hulk
    It is already uploaded. Beacons were there, a path error prevented them from showing. Unfortunately the admins of this site take forever (days) to publish mods.

    1 replies

  33. Dajoor 12. 05 2017

    Mod: Dondiego Map
    Positives: A good range of field sizes; The multiple fruits and products are excellent; Few collisions (fencing); Great map to play - lots to do and keep busy with.

    Negatives: The industry and train layout is illogical. It is great to have a working train, but the stations placements makes it pointless - there are no stations near most logical input and output points. The industries seems to be placed randomly as well making you drive all over the map.

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