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Oli5464 Mod Pack
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Modpack na Typową Polską Wieś
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Equipment FDR Logging
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Zetor + Ursus Tractors Pack
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The Big Bud Pack
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featured Animal HUD
v 2.22 Downloads today11,889 Downloads total49 commentsUser rating51 said thankspublished Mon, 18 Feb 2013 13:54:00 GMT in - Mod PacksDescription This mod shows in real time the activity of the animals. Standard ON / OFF button is (-). on the numeric keypad
MOD PACK Bassumer Country 5.3
v 12 Downloads today8,303 Downloads total9 commentsUser rating21 said thankspublished Sat, 16 Feb 2013 01:04:00 GMT in - Mod PacksHello Modhostergemeinde,here I have for you a modpack for the new country Bassumer V5.3 so that you can reap the beautiful new fruit and also transport. The mods are adapted original mods. I have taken...
v 1 Für die NewHagenstedt Map0 Downloads today2,700 Downloads total12 commentsUser rating4 said thankspublished Fri, 15 Feb 2013 12:09:00 GMT in - Mod PacksHello,This is the save game for the New Hagenstedt map.You have at the beginning:- 50 cows.- 80 chickens.- 60 sheep.- A machine park of the Middle Articles They also each have at the beginning:- 100...
Carefree Package
v 1.02 Downloads today6,249 Downloads total27 commentsUser rating13 said thankspublished Sat, 09 Feb 2013 22:08:00 GMT in - Mod PacksLS-2013-Sorglospaket v 1.0 für alle die nicht länger suchen wollen als unbedingt Notwendig. Das Sorglospaket v 1.0 bietet einige Dinge die der moderne Bauer braucht um die täglich anfallenden...
LS09 Fendt Package
v 1.00 Downloads today11,110 Downloads total54 commentsUser rating11 said thankspublished Mon, 04 Feb 2013 11:14:00 GMT in - Mod PacksHere is a Konfertierter Mod by me. That's the LS09 Fendt Package. This mod may not be without me zufragen found on other sites such as FS-UK! Even without changes Upload! Only if my questions...
Save Game Pack
v 1.00 Downloads today3,670 Downloads total26 commentsUser rating18 said thankspublished Thu, 17 Jan 2013 11:34:00 GMT in - Mod PacksHello Farmer,Do you know that too:- You begin to a new Spielstanbd and are not satisfied with the Starteqipment?- You do not have time to get started again from scratch?- You lack the knowledge or did...
featured Containermod
v 1.0 by NAS1 Downloads today71,173 Downloads total332 commentsUser rating219 said thankspublished Wed, 16 Jan 2013 21:34:33 GMT in - Mod PacksContainermod by NAS Dieses Modpack beinhaltet folgende Mods: Actros MP IV Eine passende Zugmaschine für den Containertrailer der niederländischen Firma D-TEC. Diese 375 kW (510 PS) Leistungsstarke...
Savegame Mod
v 1.00 Downloads today2,062 Downloads totalUser rating5 said thankspublished Wed, 16 Jan 2013 18:29:42 GMT in - Mod PacksThis is a savegame mod He is there for the people who have little time to play, not to spoil the fun. If you always only rummault, then take a look at him first place. You need to unpack it...
Save Game Pack
v BETA0 Downloads today3,384 Downloads total38 commentsUser rating23 said thankspublished Mon, 14 Jan 2013 21:03:25 GMT in - Mod PacksHallo Farmer, Kennt ihr das auch, dass ihr einen neuen Spielstand anfangt und mit den bereits vorhandenen Startfahrzeugen und dem gesammten Startequipment nicht zufrieden seid? Für die, die keine...
v 11 Downloads today1,716 Downloads total8 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 11 Jan 2013 16:44:38 GMT in - Mod PacksTire set for modder
Kroger SRB 35
v 1.0 mit Siga Dolly Uno und Siga Dolly Duo Pack0 Downloads today3,045 Downloads total24 commentsUser rating29 said thankspublished Sat, 29 Dec 2012 19:05:30 GMT in - Mod PacksHi dear Comm,I times the original Kroger SRB 35 and the two dollies packed into a ZIP and some rebuilt.What was done?- Tire dust on the field and on the country roads- Indicators have now - The flasher...
Krampe pack
v 1 claas xerion 50000 Downloads today7,106 Downloads total12 commentsUser rating6 said thankspublished Fri, 28 Dec 2012 08:27:46 GMT in - Mod PacksHello've got a whopping krampe running leger one krampe dolly and a Class xerion 5000
Ursus Pack
v 1.00 Downloads today2,976 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Mon, 24 Dec 2012 16:34:07 GMT in - Mod PacksTaki ma?y mod pack na ?wi?ta od Lecha :) Mam nadzieje ?e ?aden z autorów modeli sie nie obrazi z powodu wydania ich modów :) Mody posiadaj? w?aczone scrypty które naprawi?em: -Mod orki -Otwierane drzwi...
Deutz 7545 RTS pack from LS11
v 2.10 Downloads today5,651 Downloads total56 commentsUser rating6 said thankspublished Wed, 12 Dec 2012 21:11:39 GMT in - Mod PacksDeutz 7545 RTS Pack aus LS11Hierbei handelt es sich um den originalen Deutz RTS 7545 von GIANTZ mit einem anbau um Strohballen zu pressen.Die Idee stammt von -- die_eine_oder_keine --.Durch einige User...
Deutz 7250
v 1.5 Spezial Lack2 Downloads today5,330 Downloads total14 commentsUser rating12 said thankspublished Sun, 02 Dec 2012 17:28:11 GMT in - Mod PacksSo here now a v1.5 which is made: So now, the tractor: Wheel v4 It limiter Fl console Quicke Q980 and the weight was increased. As for the trailer now leigt krampe BBS 650 with field dust and...
Transport packaging for food storage
v 1.00 Downloads today22,504 Downloads total24 commentsUser rating38 said thankspublished Sat, 01 Dec 2012 10:39:14 GMT in - Mod PacksHier ein Modpack für mein Futterlager um die eingelagerten Fruchtsorten zu entnehmen und zu transportieren.Zipdatei in einen neuen Ordner entpacken und von diesen die gewünschten Objekte in den Mod...
Deutz 7250
v 1 spezial lack und Krampe Big Body 5001 Downloads today4,454 Downloads total23 commentsUser rating22 said thankspublished Thu, 29 Nov 2012 17:50:42 GMT in - Mod PacksWhat should I write this, simply try and review!
IMT ImplementtoolPack
v 1.00 Downloads today4,401 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Wed, 28 Nov 2012 18:49:41 GMT in - Mod Packsthis is a universal palletfork we use to move all equipment like mowers, headers, trailers, bales and the animals from the animalmod v2.0. it has a lock on it for the bales, animals and shovels
Forest Pack
v 1.0 Fendt Anhänger und Rundholz0 Downloads today29,743 Downloads total86 commentsUser rating22 said thankspublished Sun, 25 Nov 2012 18:59:03 GMT in - Mod PacksHier habe ich für euch einen von LS2011 konvertierten Holzanhänger im Fendt Design, sowie über die Shop kaufbare Baumstämme, die direkt im Game platziert werden können. Die Baumstämme können durch ihr...
IMT Harvest Pack
v 1.00 Downloads today10,056 Downloads total9 commentsUser rating4 said thankspublished Fri, 23 Nov 2012 14:49:30 GMT in - Mod PacksThese are all default 2013 vehicles modified to be used as potato sugarbeet and grass harvesting, combine: KroneBigX1000 trailers: Gilbert1800Pro, Bergmann & HTW65 Shuttle900K tools: GrimmeKS754...